Dedicated to the holy in nature. The life in the seed. The beauty that feeds the world.
The Oldest Love Poem.
The Oldest Love Poem. The world’s oldest known love poem. According to the Sumerian belief, it was a sacred duty for the king to marry every year a priestess of Inanna, the goddess of fertility and sexual love, in order to make the soil and …
Etruscan charioteer
Etruscan charioteer. Etruscans, who lived in Etruria, were known as Tyrrhenians by the Greeks. They were at their height in Italy from the 8th to the 5th century BCE. Herodotus (c. 450 BCE.) reports, as a theory of their origin, that the Etruscans came from …
A moura-fiandeira carried Pedra Formosa on her head while she was spinning
A moura-fiandeira carried Pedra Formosa on her head while she was spinning The moura encantada is a supernatural being from the fairy tales of Portuguese and Galician folklore. She often appears singing and combing her beautiful long hair, golden as gold or black as the …
The Silver Bull
On his knees, a silver bull holds a spouted vessel. This six-inch figurine was found near Susa in Iran. The bull dates to the earliest Elamite culture, 3100–2900 BC, known as proto-Elamite. Traces of cloth were found, perhaps it was intentionally buried as part of …