Plant Consciousness

Plant Consciousness

Found an interesting article on Plant consciousness. Deep in within us we all know they have consciousness, but people keep running test after test to trying to prove that they don’t. We are so limited in our modern thinking, we assume that plants and the 

Superiority Trip

Superiority Trip

You know that test about kids and delayed gratification are more successful on life. We now find that Affluence—not willpower—seems to be what’s behind a kids’ capacity to delay gratification. This new paper found that among kids whose mothers had a college degree, those who 

The Mental Confusion of Machine Language

The Mental Confusion of Machine Language

I have noticed the HUGE amount of machine language in our conversations. So I looked up what Machine means: machine (n.) 1540s, “structure of any kind,” from Middle French machine “device, contrivance,” from Latin machina “machine, engine, military machine; device, trick; instrument” (source also of 

Wynne Reynolds   Words that Wound: The Language of Misogyny

Wynne Reynolds Words that Wound: The Language of Misogyny

Edge Gallery May 18 – June 3, 2018 Words that Wound: the language of misogyny by Wynne Reynolds is a visualization of the effect of language on thought, from the forgotten vocabulary of our ancestors to current phrases that create harmful perceptions of femininity. Wynne’s 

Notes on Nationalism – George Orwell

Notes on Nationalism – George Orwell

Somewhere or other Byron makes use of the French word longeur, and remarks in passing that though in England we happen not to have the word, we have the thing in considerable profusion. In the same way, there is a habit of mind which is now 

History of Bland American Food

History of Bland American Food

Humans love flavor. Archeologists have found evidence that hunter-gatherers in Stone Age Europe used garlic mustard seeds (a broccoli relative with a mustardy, peppery kick) to season stews 6,000 years ago. For almost as long as we’ve been cooking, we’ve been adding ingredients to our pots that 

Modern Priorities

Modern Priorities

Easy to see false beliefs when they are put into context.