Three New DNA Studies Are Shaking Up the History of Humans in the Americas

This statement is SO important from understanding something deeper about the world and humans:
By sequencing and analyzing 15 ancient genomes found throughout the Americas—six of which were older than 10,000 years—these researchers determined that, around 8,000 years ago, the ancestors of Native Americans were still on the move, migrating away from Mesoamerica (what is today Mexico and Central America) toward both North and South America. These groups moved rapidly and unevenly, sometimes interbreeding with local populations, complicating the genetic—and historical—picture even further.
The statement above finds that the humans who lived in what is called North, Central and South America actually descend from Central America. European Anthropologists keep trying to find them migrating from somewhere else. The somewhere else is so important to validate colonization as being an OK act. To keep promoting the theory that it was fine to overrun and enslave the people who where here and who still live here.
You can read the entire article here.